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Edit Values Dialog Box

You can use the Edit Values dialog box to edit the values for the allowed set or denied set of the specified group object when configuring business view security. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Edit Values dialog box after you select users, roles, and groups, select a group object in the Resources panel, clear Use Default if it is selected, and then select Edit Edit button in the Member Level Security box, in one of the following dialog boxes or tabs: Edit Business View Security dialog box, Category Property dialog box > Security tab, New View Element dialog box > Security tab, and Edit View Element dialog box > Security tab.

Edit Values dialog box

You can specify the values using either of the following methods: select values from the available ones or compose an expression to retrieve the values.

  • Selected Values
    Select if you want to select values from the available ones.
    • Available Values
      This box lists all the available values of the specified group object.
    • <All>
      Select to use all possible values, not restricted to the values in the Available Values box.
    • Search box
      Type the keyword in the box and Designer lists the values containing the matched text.
    • Add button Add button
      Select to add the specified value from the Available Values box to the Selected Values box.
    • Remove button Remove button
      Select to remove the specified value from the Selected Values box.
    • Add All button Add All button
      Select to add all the values from the Available Values box to the Selected Values box.
    • Remove All button Remove All button
      Select to remove all the values from the Selected Values box.
    • Selected Values
      This box lists the values that you select for the allowed set or denied set of the specified group object.
  • Expression
    Select if you want to compose an expression to retrieve the values. Select the ellipsis Ellipsis button to compose the expression in the Edit Conditions dialog box.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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