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Insert Fields Dialog Box

You can use the Insert Fields dialog box to insert data fields into a report, or add data fields to control values of a list/drop-down list. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Insert Fields dialog box when you navigate to Insert > DBField/Formula/Parameter, or select the ellipsis Ellipsis button in the Value column of the Display Type dialog box or Web Options dialog box when defining web options of a List/Drop-down List web control.

Insert Fields dialog box

Designer displays these options:

DBField List

This box lists the data fields that you can insert into the report, or use to control the values of the list/drop-down list.

  • Dataset
    Designer expands the node by default if you specify to insert a DBField. It lists the tables and fields from the current dataset. If you want to insert DBField from another dataset in the current report, select the dataset from the dataset drop-down list. You can also select <Choose Data From...> from the dataset drop-down list to create a new dataset in the New Dataset dialog box.
  • Formulas
    Designer expands the node by default if you specify to insert a formula field. It lists all predefined formulas in the current catalog. You can also select <New Formula...> to create one in the Formula Editor dialog box.
  • Parameters
    Designer expands the node by default if you specify to insert a parameter field. It lists all predefined parameters in the current catalog. You can also select <New Parameter...> to create one in the New Parameter dialog box.
  • Dynamic Resources
    Designer displays the node when you use the dialog box for defining values for a list/drop-down list. It lists all dynamic formulas in the current library component. You can also select <New Formula...> to create one.


Designer displays this option when you use the dialog box for defining values for a list/drop-down list. You can select it to add an "All" value to the list/drop-down list.

Insert Layout

If you select multiple fields to insert into a report, you can arrange these fields horizontally or vertically by selecting Horizontal or Vertical, or by selecting Default to apply the default layout.

  • Vertical Space
    Specify the space between fields that are arranged vertically.
  • Horizontal Space
    Specify the space between fields that are arranged horizontally.


Select to insert the specified fields in the report, or add the specified fields to control values of a list/drop-down list.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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