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Fetch Data Dialog Box Properties

Use the Fetch Data dialog box to get data from the database for use in a filter control. This topic describes how to select data values.

Server displays the dialog box when you select Fetch Data in the Insert Filter Control dialog box or Edit Filter Control dialog box.

Fetch Data dialog

Search box

You can search for values using the Search box. Type the keyword, and Server lists the values that contain the keyword.


Select the values you want. Use the top checkbox to select or clear all the listed values at a time.

You can select the Values column header to sort the values in the ascending or descending order.


Select to add the selected values to the value list in the Insert/Edit Filter Control dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without adding any values.

Help button Help button

Select to view information about the Fetch Data box.

Close button Close button

Select to close the dialog box without adding any values.

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