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Add Aggregation Dialog Box Properties

You can use the Add Aggregation dialog box to create or edit a dynamic aggregation in a report. This topic describes the properties in the dialog box.

Server displays the dialog box when you select Dynamic Resources > Aggregations > Add Aggregation, or right-click a dynamic aggregation and select Edit from the shortcut menu, in the Resources panel.

Add Aggregation dialog box

Aggregation Name

Specify the name of the aggregation.

Mapping Name

Select the ellipsis button Select Resource, and then select a field which you want to base the aggregation on in the Select Resource dialog box.

Aggregate Function

Select the function of the aggregation. The function will apply to the group where the aggregation is or to the entire report if the aggregation is in the report header/footer.

Distinct On

Server enables this property when you select DistinctSum as the aggregate function, and you should set it. Select the ellipsis button Choose button, and then in the Select Fields dialog box select the fields according to whose unique values you want to calculate the DistinctSum function.


Select to create or update the aggregation and exit the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

Help button Help button

Select to view information about the dialog box.

Close button Close button

Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

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