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Filter - Web Behavior Dialog Box

You can use the Filter - Web Behavior dialog box to apply the Filter web action to a web control in a library component so as to filter the library component at runtime. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Filter - Web Behavior dialog box when you right-click a web control in the configuration panel of a library component and navigate to Web Behaviors > Filter on the shortcut menu.

Filter - Web Behavior dialog box

Designer displays these options:

Apply Action To

Select the data component to which to apply the filter action.

Filter On

This column shows the field you select to perform the filter on.


This column shows the operator you select to compose the filter expression.

  • =
    Equal to
  • >=
    Greater than or equal to
  • >
    Greater than
  • <
    Less than
  • <=
    Less than or equal to
  • !=/<>
    Not equal to
  • in
    The operator causes an enumerated list of values to appear in the WHERE clause predicate, and is used for evaluating for a true condition. For the "in" operator, you can use multiple values separated by comma (,).


This column shows the value of how you select to filter the field.


Select to apply your settings and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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