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Chart Paper Properties

This topic describes the properties of the Chart Paper object.

Property Name Description
Display Name Specify the display name of the object.

Data type: String

Instance Name Server displays the instance name of the object. This property is read only.
Height Specify the height of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the height. This property takes effect only when you set the Placement property for the chart legend to customized.

Data type: Float

Width Specify the width of the object, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the width. This property takes effect only when you set the Placement property for the chart legend to customized.

Data type: Float

X Specify the horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. Type a numeric value to change the position in inches. This property takes effect only when you set the Placement property for the chart legend to customized.

Data type: Float

Y Specify the vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. Type a numeric value to change the position in inches. This property only takes effect when you set the Placement property for the chart legend to customized.

Data type: Float

Coordinate Paper
Graph Position Select the position of the paper contents relative to the paper background.

Data type: Enumeration

Reverse Painting Order Select true if you want to reverse the order of graphic objects in a combo chart.

Data type: Boolean

Scale X Specify the percentage for elongating or shortening the X axis. Type a numeric value to change the percentage.

Data type: Float

Scale Y Specify the percentage for elongating or shortening the Y axis. Type a numeric value to change the percentage.

Data type: Float

Others (available to org charts only)
Layout Mode Select how the org chart tree expands from the root node.
  • Top Down
    The org chart tree expands from top to bottom.
  • Bottom Up
    The org chart tree expands from bottom to top. It is the reverse of the Top Down mode.
  • Left Right
    The org chart tree expands from left to right.

Data type: Enumeration

Graph for bar/bench/line/area chart
Depth Specify the depth of the bars/benches/lines/areas when you set Use Depth to true. This property applies to 2D charts only. Type a numeric value to change the depth.

Data type: Float

Direction Specify the angle of the axis along the depth of the bars/benches/lines/areas. This property applies to 2D charts only. Type a numeric value to change the direction.

Data type: Integer

Use Depth Select true to make the bars/benches/lines/areas visually three-dimensional. This property applies to 2D charts only.

Data type: Boolean

Note iconIf the chart is a combo chart composed by bars, areas, and lines, when you set the depth properties for one of the three types, they will apply to all the three types.

Border Color Specify the color of the paper border. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border End Caps Select the ending style of the paper border line.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint Select the joint style of the paper border line.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Style Select the line style of the paper border.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness Specify the width of the paper border, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Border Transparency Specify the color transparency of the paper border, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Border Type Select the border type of the paper.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Variable Dash

Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Color Specify the color of the paper background. This property applies when Fill Type of the paper background is set to Color. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Fill Transparency Specify the transparency of the paper background color, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Fill Type Select the fill pattern for the paper background.
  • None
    No fill.
  • Color
    Select to fill with a specified color.
  • More Effects
    Specify either a gradient or an image as the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog box

Data type: Enumeration

Inset Bottom Specify the bottom position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the paper height, from the bottom edge of the paper.

Data type: Float

Inset Left Specify the left position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the paper width, from the left edge of the paper.

Data type: Float

Inset Right Specify the right position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the paper width, from the right edge of the paper.

Data type: Float

Inset Top Specify the top position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the paper height, from the top edge of the paper.

Data type: Float

Hint (unavailable to org chart)
Category Name Specify the name of the category field to display in the data marker hint. By default, Server uses the display name of the category field in the hint to label the category value. You can customize the name to help others better understand the value. This property only applies when the Customize Category and Series Names property value is true.

Data type: String

Chart Value Names Select the ellipsis button Select Values in the value cell to open the Customize Chart Value Names dialog box, and then specify the names of the chart value fields to display in the data marker hint. By default, Server uses the display names of the fields in the hint to label the chart values. This property only applies when the Customize Chart Value Names property value is true.

Data type: String

Customize Category and Series Names Select true to customize the names of the category and series fields in the data marker hint.

Data type: Boolean

Customize Chart Value Names Select true to customize the names of the chart value fields in the data marker hint.

Data type: Boolean

Series Name Specify the name of the series field to display in the data marker hint. By default, Server uses the display name of the series field in the hint to label the series value. You can customize the name to help others better understand the value. This property only applies when the Customize Category and Series Names property value is true.

Data type: String

Show Tips Select true to show the hint when you hover over a data marker in the chart, which displays the values the data marker represents. The hint is also available in the HTML output. If this property is false, Server ignores all the other hint properties.

Data type: Boolean

Category (X) Axis (unavailable to pie, indicator, gauge, heat map, org, and KPI charts)
Auto Major Unit Select true to automatically define the interval unit between two adjacent major tick marks, or false to use the user defined major interval unit.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Maximum Select true to automatically define the maximum value to label the tick marks, or false to use the user defined maximum value.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Minor Unit Select true to automatically define the interval unit between two adjacent minor tick marks, or false to use the user defined minor interval unit.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Minimum Select true to automatically define the minimum value to label the tick marks, or false to use the user defined minimum value.

Data type: Boolean

Axis Color Specify the color for the axis. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Axis End Caps Select the ending style for the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Joint Select the joint style for the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Style Select the style for the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Thickness Specify the thickness for the axis. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Axis Transparency Specify the transparency for the axis, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Axis Variable Dash Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Gridline Color Specify the color for the gridlines. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gridline End Caps Select the ending style for the gridlines.

Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Joint Select the joint style for the gridlines.

Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Style Select the style for the gridlines.

Data type: Integer

Gridline Thickness Specify the thickness for the gridlines. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Gridline Transparency Specify the transparency for the gridlines, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Gridline Variable Dash Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Increment Specify the increased amount between two adjacent values on the axis. The default is to let Report Designer determine the increased amount. This property applies to bubble charts which use the axis to show numeric data only.

Data type: Integer

Label Axis Gap Specify the distance between the labels and the axis. Type a numeric value to change the gap.

Data type: Float

Label Color Specify the color for the label text. This property applies when Label Fill Type is set to Color. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Label Every N Tick Marks Specify the frequency to label the tick marks. Type 1 to label every tick mark, type 2 to label every two tick marks, type 3 to label every three tick marks, and so on.

Data type: Integer

Label Fill Transparency Specify the transparency for the label text, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Label Fill Type Select the fill pattern for the label text.
  • None
    No fill.
  • Color
    Select to fill with a specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Face Select the font face for the label text.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Orientation Automatically Specify whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically.
  • true
    Select to automatically adjust the rotation angle of the label text according to the length of the text, in degrees. If the text can completely display horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0. If it cannot, the default rotation angle will be 30 anticlockwise. Server displays an ellipsis (…) from the right side of the label, along with part of the name instead of the entire name.
  • false
    Select if you want to use the value of the Label Font Rotation property to determine the rotation angle of the label text.

Data type: Boolean

Label Font Rotation Specify the rotation angle of the label text around its center, in degrees. Type a numeric value to change the rotation.

Data type: Float

Label Font Size Specify the font size for the label text. Type an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Label Font Style Select the font style for the label text.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Position Select whether to show the label text outside or inside the axis. This property takes effect only when the Use Depth property is false.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Interval Specify the interval between two adjacent major tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the interval.

Data type: Float

Major Interval Unit Select the interval unit between two adjacent major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Minor Interval Specify the interval between two adjacent minor tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the interval.

Data type: Float

Minor Interval Unit Select the interval unit between two adjacent minor tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Label Auto Scale in Number Select true if you want to automatically scale the values that are of the Number data type when the values fall into the two ranges:
  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Report uses the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Report uses scientific notation to scale the values.

The default value auto means that the setting follows that of the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Major Tick Mark Length Specify the length of the major tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the length.

Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Line Color Specify the color of the major tick marks. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Major Tick Mark Line End Caps Select the ending style for the major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Line Joint Select the joint style for the major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Line Style Select the line type for the major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Line Thickness Specify the thickness of the major tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Line Transparency Specify the color transparency of the major tick marks, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Major Tick Mark Line Variable Dash

Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

This property applies when the Major Tick Mark Line Style property is not Solid Line.

Data type: Boolean

Major Tick Mark Type Select the position of the major tick marks relative to the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Maximum Specify the maximum value to label the tick marks.

Data type: Float

Maximum Length Server enables this property when you set Truncate to "true". You can use it to specify the maximum number of characters the major tick mark labels on the axis can display. When a label contains more characters than the specified number and is truncated, Server displays an ellipsis (…) for the cut-off part, and the ellipsis takes three characters out of the maximum length. However, when you set the property value to less than 4, Server displays the specified number of characters in the label with no ellipsis.
Maximum Value Specify the maximum value of the data appearing on the X axis. This property applies to bubble charts which use the axis to show numeric data only.

Data type: Float

Minimum Specify the minimum value to label the tick marks.

Data type: Float

Minimum Value Specify the minimum value of the data appearing on the X axis. This property applies to bubble charts which use the axis to show numeric data only.

Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Length Specify the length of the minor tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the length.

Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Type Select the position of the minor tick marks relative to the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Number of Labels Specify the number of tick mark labels you want to show. The default is to let Report Designer determine the number of labels.

Data type: Integer

Number of Tick Marks Specify the number of tick marks you want to show. The default is to let Report Designer determine the number. This property applies to bubble charts only.

Data type: Integer

Number of Visible Values Specify the number of data items you want to select on the scroll bar and display on the axis by default. This property is available to 2D scroll bar charts of bar, bench, line, area, and stock types.

Data type: Integer

Percentage of Scrolling Area Height Specify the height percentage the scroll bar occupies the whole size of the chart. This property is available to 2D scroll bar charts of bar, bench, line, area, and stock types.

Data type: Float

Position Axis Select the position where you want to display the data point and label on the X axis.
  • On Tick Marks
    Select to align the data point and label with each tick mark on the X axis.
  • Between Tick Marks
    Select to display the data point and label between each two tick marks on the X axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Scrollable Chart Specify whether to make the chart scrollable. If true, Server adds a scroll bar in the chart, with which you can control the visible value range on the axis. This property is available to 2D charts of bar, bench, line, and area types.

Data type: Boolean

Show Axis Select true to show the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Axis Label Tips Select true to show the complete label text when you hover over a label on the axis in the HTML or Web Report output.

Data type: Boolean

Show Chart in Scrolling Area Select true to show the thumbnail chart on the scroll bar. This property only applies when you set Scrollable Chart to true for 2D charts of bar, bench, line, and area types.

Data type: Boolean

Show Gridline Select true to show the gridlines perpendicular to the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Tick Mark Labels Select true to show the tick mark labels.

Data type: Boolean

Truncate Select true to truncate the major tick mark labels when the label text contains more characters than the number you specify to the Maximum Length property.

Data type: Boolean

Use Best Effect Select true to hide the label which overlaps the one in front of it.

Data type: Boolean

Use Constant Interval Select true to use a constant interval to label the tick marks. If true, Server increases the values of the tick marks continually on the axis based on the following properties, instead of just using the data values.

Data type: Boolean

Value (Y) Axis (unavailable to pie, indicator, heat map, org, and KPI charts)
Auto Scale in Number Select true if you want to automatically scale the values that are of the Number data type when the values fall into the two ranges:
  • When 1000 <= value < 10^15, Report uses the following quantity unit symbols of the International System of Units to scale the values: K (10^3), M (10^6), G (10^9), and T (10^12).
  • When 0 < value < 0.001 or value >= 10^15, Report uses scientific notation to scale the values.

The default value auto means that the setting follows that of the chart.

Data type: Boolean

Auto Scale on Y Axis

Select true to recalculate the scale of Value (Y) Axis when the Number of Visible Values property value changes.

This property only applies when you set the Scrollable Chart property value to true for 2D charts of bar, bench, line, and area types.

Data type: Integer

Axis Color Specify the color for the axis. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Axis End Caps Select the ending style for the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Joint Select the joint style for the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Style Select the style for the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Axis Thickness Specify the thickness for the axis. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Axis Transparency Specify the transparency for the axis, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Axis Variable Dash Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Gridline Color Specify the color for the gridlines. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Gridline End Caps Select the ending style for the gridlines.

Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Joint Select the joint style for the gridlines.

Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Style Select the style for the gridlines.

Data type: Enumeration

Gridline Thickness Specify the thickness for the gridlines. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Gridline Transparency Specify the transparency for the gridlines, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Gridline Variable Dash Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Increment Specify the increased amount between two adjacent values on the axis. The default is to let Report Designer determine the increased amount.

Data type: Integer

Label Axis Gap Specify the distance between the labels and the axis. Type a numeric value to change the gap.

Data type: Float

Label Color Specify the color for the label text. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

This property applies when you set the Label Fill Type property value to Color.

Data type: String

Label Every N Tick Marks Specify the frequency to label the tick marks. Type 1 to label every tick mark, type 2 to label every two tick marks, type 3 to label every three tick marks, and so on.

Data type: Integer

Label Fill Transparency Specify the transparency for the label text, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Label Fill Type Select the fill pattern for the label text.
  • None
    No fill.
  • Color
    Select to fill with a specified color.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Orientation Automatically Specify whether to adjust the rotation angle of the label text on the axis automatically.
  • true
    Select to automatically adjust the rotation angle of the label text according to the length of the text, in degrees. If the text can completely display horizontally, the default rotation angle will be 0. If it cannot, the default rotation angle will be 30 anticlockwise. Server displays an ellipsis (…) from the right side of the label, along with part of the name instead of the entire name.
  • false
    Select to use the Label Font Rotation property value to determine the rotation angle of the label text.

Data type: Boolean

Label Font Face Select the font face for the label text.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Font Rotation Specify the rotation angle of the label text around its center, in degrees. Type a numeric value to change the rotation.

Data type: Float

Label Font Size Specify the font size for the label text. Type an integer value to change the size.

Data type: Integer

Label Font Style Select the font style for the label text.

Data type: Enumeration

Label Position Select whether to show the label text outside or inside the axis. This property only takes effect when you set the Use Depth property value to false.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Length Specify the length of the major tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the length.

Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Line Color Specify the color of the major tick marks. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Major Tick Mark Line End Caps Select the ending style for the major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Line Joint Select the joint style for the major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Line Style Select the line type for the major tick marks.

Data type: Enumeration

Major Tick Mark Line Thickness Specify the thickness of the major tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Major Tick Mark Line Transparency Specify the color transparency of the major tick marks, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Major Tick Mark Line Variable Dash

Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

This property applies when the Major Tick Mark Line Style property is not Solid Line.

Data type: Boolean

Major Tick Mark Type Select the position of the major tick marks relative to the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Maximum Value Specify the maximum value of the data appearing on the Y axis.

Data type: Float

Minimum Value Specify the minimum value of the data appearing on the Y axis.

Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Length Specify the length of the minor tick marks. Type a numeric value to change the length.

Data type: Float

Minor Tick Mark Type Select the position of the minor tick marks relative to the axis.

Data type: Enumeration

Number of Labels Specify the number of tick mark labels you want to show. The default is to let Report Designer determine the number of labels.

Data type: Integer

Number of Tick Marks Specify the number of tick marks you want to show. The default is to let Report Designer determine the number.

Data type: Integer

Show Axis Select true to show the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Axis Label Tips Select true to show the complete label text when you hover over a label on the axis in the HTML or Web Report output.

Data type: Boolean

Show Gridline Select true to show the gridlines perpendicular to the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Show Tick Mark Labels Select true to show the tick mark labels.

Data type: Boolean

Start Value Specify the position where the axis label starts to show, applied when you set the Use Start Value property value to true.

Data type: Float

Use Best Effect Select true to hide the label which overlaps the one in front of it.

Data type: Boolean

Use Start Value Select true to set the start value of the axis.

Data type: Boolean

Wall (unavailable to gauge, heat map and org chart)
Border Color Specify the color of the border of the wall. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Border End Caps Select the ending style of the wall border line.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Joint Select the joint style of the wall border line.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Style Select the line style of the wall borders.

Data type: Enumeration

Border Thickness Specify the width of the border, in inches. Type a numeric value to change the thickness.

Data type: Float

Border Transparency Specify the color transparency of the wall borders, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Border Variable Dash Select true to adjust the dash size automatically or false to use the fixed dash size.

Data type: Boolean

Bound Color Specify the color of the bound wall, applied when you set the Bound Fill Type property value to Color. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Bound Fill Transparency Specify the transparency of the color schema to compound with the basic fill which you set in the wall area, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Bound Fill Type Select the fill type of the bound wall.
  • None
    No fill. The default value.
  • Color
    Select to fill with a specified color.
  • More Effects
    Select to specify either a gradient or an image as the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog box.

Data type: Enumeration

Color Specify the color of the wall, applied when you set the Fill Type property value to Color. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Fill Transparency Specify the transparency of the background color, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Fill Type Select the fill pattern for the wall.
  • None
    No fill.
  • Color
    Select to fill with a specified color.
  • More Effects
    Select to specify either a gradient or an image as the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog box.

Data type: Enumeration

Show Wall Select true to show the wall.

Data type: Boolean

Threshold Line (unavailable to gauge, bubble, heat map and org charts)
Fill Threshold1 Select true to fill the first threshold area with a semi-transparent color.

Data type: Boolean

Fill Threshold2 Select true to fill the second threshold area with a semi-transparent color.

Data type: Boolean

Fill Transparency Specify the transparency of the background color, in percent. Type a numeric value to change the transparency.

Data type: Integer

Show Threshold Line1 Select true to show the first threshold line.

Data type: Boolean

Show Threshold Line2 Select true to show the second threshold line.

Data type: Boolean

Threshold Line Color1 Specify the color for the first threshold line. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Threshold Line Color2 Specify the color for the second threshold line. Choose a color or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog box. You can also type a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.

Data type: String

Threshold Line Style Select the style for the threshold lines.
  • Style1
    Select to use two threshold areas (Threshold Line1 and Threshold Line2) to emphasize the data series that are higher than the first threshold line or lower than the second threshold line.
  • Style2
    Select to use a single threshold area (Threshold Line1) to emphasize the data series that are between the higher and the lower threshold lines.

A threshold line marks a specific data point that you specified. You usually use it for comparing with data series to see whether the data is higher or lower than this point. For example, if you want to see whether the production zones successfully accomplished their production tasks, you can set a threshold line to represent the goal output, and another to represent the lowest acceptable output quantity. Using the threshold lines, you can spot out of range zones at a glance.

Stock charts, radar charts, scatter charts, and bubble charts have no threshold lines.

Data type: Enumeration

Threshold Value1 Specify the value for the first threshold line.

Data type: Float

Threshold Value2 Specify the value for the second threshold line.

Data type: Float

Note icon

  • For a combo chart, the graph properties respectively apply to the corresponding chart types.
  • A combo chart may contain two value axes, namely, the Y1 and Y2 axes. The properties of the Y1 or Y2 axis are the same as those of the Y axis.

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